In ministry, it is important to keep growing and developing in our understanding, skills and spiritual life.
Ongoing Ministerial Development is essential for everyone in licensed lay and ordained roles. The aim is to enable all to flourish in mission, ministry and discipleship. Each of us is responsible for our own life-long learning. Click the links below to find out more and come along to the training events that will encourage you in your ministry.
Oversight Leadership Programme
Developing effective Oversight Ministry in the Diocese of Sheffield
This programme is based around regular Formation Days, along with local Learning Communities and mentoring, plus other resources.
The primary aim is to provide supportive learning and development for our Oversight Ministers. Other clergy not in an Oversight Ministry role are also very welcome and likely to find learning which is helpful and transferable to their situation and ministry. Although the focus is intentionally on equipping clergy, there may be occasions when they will want to bring one or two lay leaders along to one of the gatherings and are welcome to request that.
Leading Your Church into Growth
A Christian organisation who equip church leaders and churches to grow using the following events and courses…
- National courses – flagship residential events for church leaders
- Local courses – equipping and empowering local churches
Also the Start course, and the Moving On course – for those taking their first steps in the Christian faith.

Information on grants and funding specifically for learning, retreats and sabbaticals funded by the Diocese and many other third-party agencies

Details of OMD events and grants

Creating a culture of Lifelong Learning within the Diocese of Sheffield