Spirituality means different things to different people. For many, it’s about growing in our faith by being part of a faith community.
We can become much more aware of our spirituality and how it grows through worship and sharing in a living community. Spirituality can then be thought of in terms of being relational.
For Christians, this is one way in which we can grow in faith, in relationship with other people, and with Jesus. In doing so , we grow in our relationship with God.
For others, an awareness of their spirituality is based upon much more personal individual experiences: through private prayer, meditation, quiet reflection, mindfulness or even long walks.
We encourage all Christians in the diocese to deepen their walk with Jesus through prayer, engagement with Scripture and serving the needs of others.
Our Lights for Christ resources give ideas to support you in this.
See also prayer and worship resources or join the Diocese’s prayer community.
Spiritual accompaniment
Many people find a having Spiritual Accompanier/Director very helpful. They can accompany you on your spiritual journey and reflect where and how God is working in your life. The Diocese maintains a network of Spiritual Accompaniers that anyone can access via a short referral process.
Please contact:
Further reading
Comer, John Mark (2024) Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become like him, Do as he Did. London: SPCK.
This book may be borrowed from Church House resource centre or Whirlow Spirituality Centre libarary or should be available second-hand.
Whirlow Spirituality Centre
Whirlow Spirituality Centre at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit is a leading centre in Sheffield providing facilities for individuals and groups who visit for personal and spiritual development, to explore their relationship with God through prayer, teaching and reflection individually and with others. Whirlow has been called a ‘thin place’ where people find God and a safe space for prayer, reflection and worship and is the reason that many people return again and again.
A programme of spirituality-themed events runs each year at the Spirituality Centre.
Retreat houses
Going on retreat can be an excellent experience and provide a welcome break or opportunity to deepen your faith. Retreats can focus around an activity like art of photography, a time in the Christian calendar; they can be silent or shared, face to face, or online. The choice is vast.
Please visit The Retreat Association’s Retreat Directory to see what’s available.