We engage in ten days with a focus on prayer, leading up to the celebration of Pentecost, the story of the church’s beginning told in Acts 2.
This time is known as “The Kingdom Come” and so matches well with a focus on the Kingdom (or ‘Way’) of God.
Schools can set aside a time when they reflect on prayer and other ways in which we turn our minds towards the things that concern us or for which we are thankful.
This can also be a time to consider those facing assessments and the run up to transition into the new school year, and is also a time to give thanks for and support leavers.
The school may also use this time to reaffirm the use of the Lord’s Prayer, possibly spending time exploring the meaning of the lines.
Families and Homes
The big question can be “What are your hopes for the future?
Families can reflect on the way we plan for and anticipate times ahead.
We can also think about anyone who is going to undergo a transition through the academic years – including any college or University students we know.
Families could also engage in the activity of deciding which line of the Lord’s Prayer, if any, you regard as the most important.
Around Ascension Day families can take time to think of those loved ones who have moved away or are at a distance with whom there is still a personal and important connection, akin to that the Christian feels with Christ, even after his Ascension.
Ten Days of Prayer
The Diocese sets aside the days between Ascension and Pentecost as ten days of prayer when those who wish to make sure pray particularly during this time. It sometimes spans half-term so the school could either equip families for the ten days including those of the holiday, or place their ten days from Pentecost.
Engaging the Church
Families can be encouraged to register prayer requests with the local church and ways win which the church supports the wider community in prayer can be highlighted, including the practice of prayer walking.
The Church can involve the school in Pentecost by finding ways of inviting families or classes to share in the birthday celebration – possibly taking cakes to the school?
A video can be made each year to promote prayer, exploring what this means to different leaders within the Diocese.
Dates to note
ASCENSION DAY, the Thursday forty days after Easter Day
- DAY OF PENTECOST, the Sunday fifty days after Easter Day
- TRINITY SUNDAY, the Sunday after Pentecost Sunday
- Earth Day 22 April, is an internationally celebrated day, rooted in the environmental movement and concern for the planet.
- World Day for Cultural Diversity, 21 May, was set up by UNESCO to celebrate the rich diversity of cultures across the world and also the role of relationships between cultures for enriching one another. It fits well with the season when we celebrate Pentecost and the story of the Church diversifying in spoken language on that day.
- Windrush Day, 22 June, celebrating Afro-Caribbeans who began arriving on the HMT Empire Windrush in 1948 and honouring the contributions of migrants to the UK.
Understanding Christianity
Units on the Kingdom of God explore the ways n which the Church has taken the words and work of Jesus and continued to work towards the Kingdom of God.