Sheffield Diocesan Advisory Group for Healing and Wholeness
The Sheffield Diocesan Advisory Group for Healing and Wholeness was set up with the core purpose of encouraging healing to be a central part of the ministry and mission of the Diocese of Sheffield.
Our aim is to offer guidance and resources to enable this to be done effectively in safe and healthy ways and to provide an environment where experience can be shared.
Modern definitions recognise that ‘health’ is more than the absence of disease. The group recognises that health is to do with human flourishing, and includes aspects of…
- Wholeness
- Resilience
- A sense of being in community with others
- Physical and mental health.
We would love to find out what is already being done in the Diocese by way of healing ministry, so whether it’s a well-being café or space, parish nursing, holding healing services or partnering with social prescribing or health services, please get in touch and let us know what you are doing and what sort of support would be helpful.
We will develop this Healing and Wholeness website section, sharing ideas, guidance and resources to release us all to develop this area of ministry.
Team members
As a group, we include medical, mental health and hospice chaplains, an Anglo-Catholic priest who is a member of the parish nursing team, a Diabetic nurse who is also a Self-Supporting Minister (SSOM), retired parish priests interested in healing ministry one of whom works as a chaplain at the Cathedral, a retired Anglican priest who is the former UK director of the International Order of St Luke the Physician and an SSOM who is a GP and the Bishop’s Advisor in healing and wholeness.
Liturgy Resources for Healing Services
Church of England Resources
A comprehensive compendium of liturgy from The Church of England site including:
- A Theological Introduction to Wholeness and Healing
- A Celebration of Wholeness and Healing (especially suitable for a diocesan or deanery occasion)
- Laying on of Hands with Prayer and Anointing at a Celebration of Holy Communion
- Prayer for Individuals in Public Worship
- Ministry to the Sick
- The Celebration of Holy Communion at Home or in Hospital
- The Distribution of Holy Communion at Home or in Hospital
- Laying on of Hands with Prayer and Anointing
- Prayers for Protection and Peace
Useful Prayers
The ‘Useful Prayers’ download includes…
- Prayer at the Laying on of Hands
- Words used when Anointing is administered
- A Short Form of Prayer over the Oil
- The Jesus Prayer
- The Hail Mary
- A Prayer of Protection
- Christaraksha – an Indian Prayer for a person before sleep
Orders of Service Examples and Eucharist
Some orders of services for examples of healing services, with an explanatory sheet for each and some pictures of the services concerned – from St Mark’s Broomhill.
Other resources
Prayer Station Resources
See below for more information
House of Bishops Guidelines for Healing Ministry
Renew Wellbeing – creating spaces where it is ‘ok not to be ok’, through presence, partnership and prayer
Guild of Health and St Raphael – ecumenical, inclusive and prayerful organisation providing online 4x2hr sessions Everyday healing course and resources and support to become a healthy healing hub:
Acorn Healing Academy – online healing course / Listening course
Sanctuary Mental Health Course Anglicised version – free 8-session small group course to use in your setting. Looks at what the church can do for people with MH issues, creating communities in which people with MH issues can flourish and drawing clear boundaries.
Kintsugi Hope – becoming a mental health-friendly church. Free online training to run Kintsugi Hope well-being groups in your church
Deliverance Ministry
‘Deliverance ministry is a specialist ministry within the Church of England and constitutes one aspect of the Church of England’s commitment to bringing wholeness, peace and healing to all who experience distress, whether in body, mind or spirit. The Diocese of Sheffield has a specially trained team of clergy who are commissioned by Bishop Pete for this role under the lead of Revd Canon Mark Brown. If you require the services of this team, please either contact Mark Brown directly at Mark.Brown@allsaintsecclesall.org.uk or contact Chaplain to the Bishop of Sheffield, the Revd Harry Steele at chaplain@bishopofsheffield.org.uk.’
Healing and Wholeness Prayer Station Resources
Our Resource Centre at Church House in Rotherham has several Prayer Station resources for you to borrow free of charge.
Further Resources
Emergency Help for those in Crisis
We believe that healthy healing includes signposting people to helpful resources. Many people are drawn to community faith leaders at times of distress. Following requests from many churches on how to find help when someone is suffering a mental health, housing or financial crisis, we have put together some resources to help you signpost people helpfully to professional help.
Help in Sheffield
Sheffield: Single Point of Access in a Crisis
The Single Point of Access (SPA) is the Trust’s single route for referrals for adults aged 18 to 65 who are in a mental health crisis.
We work alongside the Out-of-Hours Team to provide crisis support to the people of Sheffield 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Single Point of Access team cover 8am to 5pm, sct-ctr.spa-adult-mental-health@nhs.net
0114 226 3636
0808 196 8281 (Freephone)
with the Out-of-Hours Team operating 5pm to 8am. 0114 226 3636
The Single Point of Access team triage referrals and carry out assessments over the phone or face-to-face, to find out how we can help and then use that information to signpost to a service who can best meet those needs.
How is the service accessed?
If you are in a mental health crisis you can speak to the Single Point of Access at any time of the day – you do not need to be referred. You can also refer a loved one to the team if you are concerned about their mental health.
Help in Rotherham
Where to access help and advice in Rotherham – Updated May 2024
Citizens Advice
Help with benefits, work, debt, bills, housing, law, immigration, health, can refer to food banks
Adviceline 0808 278 7911, open 9am-5pm
Open Arms (Rotherfed)
Fortnightly drop in
Help with finance, energy, digital, cost of living etc.
Face to face immediate support
01709 368 515
REMA (support for migrants and immigrants)
Migration, housing, work, English classes, education, health etc.
drop in every 2 Weeks Tuesday 1pm-3pm
Unity Centre, St Leonards Road, S65 1PD
01709 720 744
Help with homelessness
RMBC Drop in Mondays + Fridays 10am-1pm
Multi-Agency Drop in Wednesday 11am-1pm
Shiloh Rotherham, Station Road, Masborough, S60 1HN
01709 559 504
Emergency rough sleeping help
01709 336 009 (or out of hours 07748143170)
Or for advice call Shelter 0808 800 4444 (8am-8pm)
Safe Haven
Hot food and drink, open Wednesday and Friday Evenings
The Hub, Rotherham Central Hub, 38-40 College Street, S65 1AG
07523 124995
Rotherham Rise
Support for survivors of domestic abuse and child sexual exploitation.
0330 2020571
Alcohol and Drug support
Carnson House, 1 Moorgate Road S60 2EN
0808 1753 981
Mental health support
Call 0800 804 8999 or 111 and select the mental health option
Samaritans: support for those in distress 116 123
Help in Doncaster – Section Coming Soon
National Mental Health resources for faith leaders
Advice and support in a mental health crisis
We know that many people are drawn to community faith leaders at times of distress. Following requests from many churches on how to find help when someone is suffering a mental health crisis, we offer this advice produced by Opening Minds, the former Diocesan Mental Health Strategy Group with advice from the Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. and offers leaders and their colleagues the following advice:
Listening to someone in crisis can be remarkably helpful to them. Try to help them clarify the problem, the support they are receiving and if appropriate explore possible solutions. Explore risks to themselves or others which includes suicidal thoughts, aggression, impaired judgement and neglect.
Always be mindful of your safety and that of others. If in doubt, have someone else present or aware of your meeting with arrangements for them to contact you after a set time. Trust your intuition and if concerned end the meeting.
It is not uncommon for people to have suicidal thoughts but they are at greater risk if they have plans to commit suicide. Asking about suicidal thoughts and acts this will not increase the risk. If someone feels hopeless and can see no future they should be offered immediate help.
Never say that your conversation will be confidential as, if there are safeguarding issues, you will need to share information, which may be without their consent.
Who to contact
The following options are available.
During the day, if it is not an emergency and they are not receiving specialist care, suggest they see the GP or offer to take them. You may contact the GP to explain the situation or to seek advice.
If they are under the specialist care of the local mental health trust, try to find out who is supporting them and ask for their permission to speak to that person. They may give you advice or offer to bring forward the next appointment.
Offer useful telephone helplines such as:
The Samaritans (24 hours) 116 123 (free)
Anxiety 03444 775 774 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5.30pm)
Campaign Against Living Miserably, (CALM), for men aged 15 to 35. 0800 58 58 58 (daily, 5pm to midnight)
Combat stress Helpline (24 hours) 0800 1381 619.
National 24 hour domestic violence helpline: 0808 2000 247 – freephone
Advice line for men experiencing domestic violence: 0808 8010 327 – freephone
Young Minds parents’ helpline 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm)
In a crisis:
If they are under the care of a mental health trust, contact the Trust switchboard and ask to speak to their crisis team. If not receiving specialist care and you need urgent advice contact NHS Choices on 111
In an emergency, if there is a risk of violence make sure everyone is safe and call the police.
If there is a risk of serious self- harm contact 999 or, if they agree and it is safe to do so, escort them to an Emergency Department. Ideally have another person present with them in the back of the car or go by taxi.
If they have taken an overdose or harmed themselves, they should always be assessed at an Emergency Department.
Sometimes people are not aware how unwell they are and that puts their health or that of others at risk. If you are unable to contact the GP or mental health team, contact the adult social services duty team.
Healing Services
St Gabriel’s Church Greystones Sheffield S11 7JB
Quarterly Healing and Wholeness service on Sundays at 11.45am. Please contact Zoey Steele, St Gabriel’s Ministry Administrator
Find out more
Regular Healing services at Sheffield Cathedral
Prayers for healing are offered after every Sunday morning service at 10.30am every Sunday in one of the side chapels. If you’d like to know more, please contact Revd Ann Walton at the cathedral
Rotherham Minster
Quarterly Healing Services Sunday at 4.30pm on the third Sunday of month. Space to be and spend time with God: A Service to explore Wellbeing, Healing and Wholeness (A quarterly H&W service for Rotherham churches or anyone in need of prayer). Please contact Rev Dr Louise Castle, Bishop’s Advisor in Healing and Wholeness.
St Marks Broomhill S10 2SE
Quarterly healing services. Holy Ground: A Service to explore Wellbeing, Healing and Wholeness.
Find out more
SaCRed Space at St Stephen’s/ St Columba Crosspool
Monthly service on Sunday evening. Quiet, beautiful, communal space just to be and RE-connect with ourselves and the divine.
Find out more
St Matthew’s Carver Street Sheffield S1 4FT
Healing, anointing and prayers are offered after mass on the last Sunday of every month. Mass is at 11 and it’s immediately after that so at approx. midday.
Healing mass, every Wednesday at 6pm.
Find out more
St James’ Norton, Sheffield S8 8JQ
Healing, anointing and prayers are offered at the end of the Eucharist at 10.30 am on the third Sunday of every month, starting after Easter.
Find out more
Wadsley Church
‘Be Still’ service on the first Sunday of each month. This is a quiet space for Well-being, a lovely place of quiet worship, reflection and stillness. It is USUALLY on the first Sunday of each month at 6 in the evening
Find out more
St Chad’s Woodseats
Healing service at 10.30am on the 1st Sunday of the month.
Find out more
Please note this is not a complete list but only includes those churches who have let us know about their healing services to date. Please get in touch with your details so we can add them here so people can find a healing service if they would like to come to one.
News and Stories

“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but the scan shows that you have multiple sclerosis.” Shock, horror, fear, all crowded together as I processed […]

Holistic care in people is essentially how we respond to the mixture of the person’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual parts to help bring about an improvement in their wellbeing.

Gemma Payne reflects on a recent interactive workshop at St Mark’s Church Broomhill

Rev Britt Webb & Rachel Wilkinson A year ago we started a Wellbeing Community at St Leonards, Arbourthorne & Norfolk Park. Our hope was to […]

Julie Sandoval reflects on a fruitful Healing Day back in June

Lotta Jackson, Healing and Wholeness Team Leader for all Saints Parish Church Ecclesall, writes a reflection on the impact of healing ministry

Rachel Brown reflects on the journey towards setting up a Renew Wellbeing space at St Polycarp’s, Malin Bridge

Lin Button’s Healing Prayer School visited St John’s Goole on 12 & 13 January 2024 At St John’s we recognise and have witnessed, through healing […]

An account by Julie Sandoval about the Wholeness event at Fir Vale in July 2023

A report on the event by Reverend Derek Pamment