At the Vine, St Barts, Primrose Hill, Langsett, Sheffield S6 2UW
A day to explore what healing looks like, for ourselves, those we minister to and others…
An experiential day to explore Wellbeing, Healing and Wholeness in more depth. The day will be both inspirational and practical and will include:
Sacred Space to Pause …
Opening worship from Adrian Scott, poet, writer, photographer, spiritual director and retreat leader.
The Theology of Healing.
The Diocese’s new Spirituality Advisor, Rev Dr Julian Raffay will explore what the bible says about healing and why it is an important, integral part of all our ministry. Julian has extensive experience as a mental health chaplain, a parish priest and a postgraduate programme director.
A choice of 2 from the following 3 Workshops:
An Introduction to Listening: Learn about the power of listening, the growing need for it and some tips on how to do it well. Linda Gascoyne, Co-CEO of South Yorkshire Chaplaincy and Listening Service
Creating Sacred Space: How to use Art and Creativity in your ministry. Adrian Scott.
Practical skills for prayer ministry: Skills and Guidelines for the laying on of hands. Rev Chris Low and Rev Louise Yaull from the Healing Team.
Safe practice and Questions
An opportunity to feedback and ask Questions
A Healing and Anointing Service to finish
We will use interactive prayer stations to model different types of healing ministry.
Meet the Healing and Wholeness team, ask questions and find out how we can resource you!
For more information contact healing.ministry@sheffield.anglican.org.
All welcome! Refreshments provided Please bring your own lunch